United States Constitution Persuasive Essay

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United States Constitution Persuasive Essay On September 17, 1787, 39 delegates from the thirteen colonies elegantly signed their names on the United States Constitution. Even as the signers read and marveled over their written documentation of our new government, they realized problems could still emerge in the Constitution that would need to be addressed. To solve this dilemma, the delegates came up with a way that the Constitution could be changed so that future generations could patch up any holes they found in this important document. These changes are called Amendments, and today there are a total of 27 of them. Each Amendment is crucial to our Constitution, but which one is the most important? It’s strongly believed that compared to the other 26 corrections, the first Amendment is the most essential to our country’s Constitution because only the first Amendment protects our rights to religious worship and to oppose what we think doesn’t belong in the government. An American’s right to religious worship is valued tremendously, thus making the first Amendment ve...

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