Persuasive Essay On Ponyboys Killing Greasers

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When you were little, you were always told to defend yourself if someone was coming at you. But is it self-defense if you weren’t being attacked? Johnny Cade was beat up pretty bad by a Soc, someone who is very privileged, with many rings. Later, we find out this is Bob. One night, as Ponyboy and Johnny were by themselves, five Socs, three of them Randy, Bob, and David, came up to them mad because they were walking with their girlfriends. Johnny told them to stay back, but they didn’t. Bob told David to give Ponyboy a “bath” after Ponyboy spat at them. David then grabbed him and ducked his head in the water. Johnny killed Bob to save Ponyboy. Some may say Johnny killed Bob in self-defense, but Johnny was not the one being attacked, Ponyboy was. Also, Bob wasn’t doing anything to Ponyboy, David was. So, how can you kill someone when they were doing nothing? Throughout the years, many feuds between Greasers (under privileged) and Socs …show more content…

And if he did, why didn’t he kill David instead of Bob? On Page 55, it clearly says that David was the one drowning Ponyboy, not Bob. People also might say, “Oh, it was an accident, he didn’t mean to.” But Johnny was already planning on killing Bob because of what he did to him.
After Johnny commits the crime, they go to Dally’s seeking protection from avenging Socs, who might try to kill them. But if Johnny was innocent, why couldn’t they just confront the police of the accident? If they had, it wouldn’t have been such a big deal. But then, Dally decided to lie about their location to the police, thus making things more suspicious. Why do you lie and run away if you’re innocent? It’s because you’re not. You’re guilty.
All of this evidence is true. I’m giving you all the facts about the night Bob was murdered, proving Johnny Cade guilty. Especially since Bob never even touched Johnny or Ponyboy. With all these reasons, Johnny Cade should be convicted of

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