How To Write A Persuasive Essay On The Outsiders

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Mrs. Hinton’s The Outsiders was a delight to read. While I might have enjoyed it, I must disagree with who the author has chosen to base her book on and here’s why. While Hinton chose to write about a young man doomed to repeat his mistake multiple times until eventually, he sees the error of his ways. We see in the beginning Ponyboy admits that he’s not to walk alone merely because the Soc (Socials) will jump any Greaser this, of course, does not deter Ponyboy as he makes this same blunder throughout the book. Eventually, causing tension among his family and the death of three people. I do believe Hinton had two good choices there is Johnny Cage an abused teen and Dallas “Dally” Winston a hardened criminal. First, Johnny and Dally both die tragically after making unwise decisions in their lives. Johnny died while rescuing children from a burning church and in the eyes of the rescued children’s parents was a hero. But reluctantly this was not the case. In fact, Johnny had just killed a rival member from the Soc’s in self-defense. After which Johnny tells Ponyboy “‘I killed him,’ he said slowly. ‘I killed that boy.’ As Bob, the handsome Soc was lying there in the moonlight a dark pool growing …show more content…

When we first introduced to Dally by Hinton we learn that as a youth he served time in a New York for a murder charge. This made Dally the most paradoxical person in the story, you never knew if Dally would snap and beat you senseless or if he would protect you. But we soon learn that after witnessing Johnny’s death in the hospital Dally turned out more psychologically unstable. Thus, Dally chose suicide-by-cop. This was because Dally felt responsible for not protecting Johnny in life and felt that perhaps he could protect him in death. Both young men felt hero-worship for each other. Johnny looking to Dally for his devil-may-care attitude and Dally looks up to Johnny for his individuality and

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