Persuasive Essay On Pitbulls

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Introduction: Many households in America own dogs as pets, the most popular breed is surprisingly a mix breed. The breed that is most commonly known for being a good dog is the Labrador, this is the dog that most people refer to when speaking about a good dog the dog breed that has the bad rap would be the pit bull. The pit bull is known as a viscous and heartless animal. The breed got this name from its unique reason for being bread, fighting. Pit bulls were only hated in the United States once dog fighting sprung up in urban cites. However, many people over look the second reason pit bulls were bread. In the United States during the 19th century the pit bull was bread to not only fight but to be a guard dog to farm animals. The breed …show more content…

Dog fighting then sprang up in America. As the immigrants moved west their dogs became more humane and had a more functional purpose. The dogs were trained to heard cattle, be faithful guardians, and protect the family and livestock. Pit bulls were to keep constant watch on the young children, the breed earned their place in America and played an important role in the fabrication of developing of the nation (Reflecting on pit bulls). As these dogs earned their name more and more Americans owned a pit bull. In World War I a pit bull named stubby stole the heart of America. Stubby became the unofficial mascot of the 102nd infantry division, he was credited to saving the lives of several of his human comrades (Fleig, 1996). Stubby won several medals for his bravery, he was even awarded the rank of Sargent. Mark Twain, Theodore Roosevelt, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Thomas Edison, Woodrow Wilson, John Steinbeck, Helen Keller, and Fred Astaire were all proud owners of the pit bull. One of the most iconic pit bulls is Petey from the TV show Little Rascals. The American kennel club was formed in 1884, its purpose was to promote the intent of purebred dogs. The kennel club sponsored events to test the various breeds of dogs in performance. The judges looked at the dogs performance of the function for which it was breed, this became an immediate problem for the pit bull. Since the pit bulls main function for being …show more content…

A common thread in pit bull attacks is a lack of supervision and care, Bill Smith the director of the Robeson County Health Department said “None of them are ever vaccinated, which shows a lack of ownership or control by the owner.”. Melissa Longo works with Mikey's Haven 4 Pit Bulls said “ our dogs are a prime example of the fact that it's not the dogs it's the people.”. This goes to show that when the media talks about another pit bull attack the article fails to mention the owner of the dog either abused the dog or never socialized the dog as a puppy. Based on a few examples of bad ownership the entire breed has been drug down into the dirt, what the media doesn't share with the public is all of the good stories involving pit bulls. The American media has given disproportionate coverage to violent incidents that involve pit bulls, academic studies that gather data only get the data from media reports who do not measure the violence of pit bulls so much as the American media’s obsession with the topic (Romeo,

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