Persuasive Essay On Participation Trophy

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Boom, this world is falling to pieces. What do you think? Do you think kids benefits if everyone on the team receives a trophy. However, will kids feel good about themselves? Will an award give them a confidence boost? Therefore, I’m going to be talking about how I feel about receiving a participation trophy, the future for activities, and will they succeed.
First off, how I feel about receiving a participation trophy. Receiving a trophy for nothing pretty much. A trophy for doing nothing. You could sit on your butt all day and get a trophy. No, you need to work for something. Going out and giving it you’re all and doing you best. Hard work is what you have to put out. If you don’t put out any work you or your team aren’t going to get anywhere. Why, because you aren’t giving it your all because you know you will get something in the end. There setting you up to fail. Seven out of ten people say that it’s making kids soft. Out of 100 people 67 of them voted no they shouldn’t get an award for nothing. You not only hurting yourself you’re also hurting others because you aren’t making them any better. …show more content…

Everyone is going to keep getting worse and worse because there is no talent to make them better. However, I see it in high school. The upperclassmen are better athletes. Why because they all competed as hard as they could. Therefore, you have my grade which slakes. If all my friends went to the weight room it would make us all better and we would want to go because were with our friends. As you can see, no one cares because they know they’re going to get something at the end of it. However, quit feeding us after games/activity. Make us work hard for it. This world is just going downhill. So for the future don’t hand stuff to us let’s make it better and push us for

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