Persuasive Essay On One Night Stand

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One Night Stands and Safe Sex A one night stand is when a random man and woman meet for one night and has sex that same night. The next day they don’t call each other or communicate after that. Both men and women love one night stands because there is no baggage attached. You see the person, receive your pleasure, and then leave. There are lots of problems with one night stands. People don’t understand that when you have sex with someone you are giving a part of yourself to them. The risks of contracting diseases are there and people don’t like to thinking about this because they believe it can’t happen to them. They assume everyone is trustworthy or simply don’t care. People have this notion that when someone catches a sexually transmitted Communication is the main key in any relationship, so if you were to stop communicating with the guys you don’t want, the relationship would, undoubtedly, fall apart. This is not a bad thing if this is what you want. You can nip things in the bud by simply not responding to certain men. Ignoring someone may rub them the wrong way, but you can use this to your advantage when deleting certain guys from your life. These guys can’t manipulate you if you are not responding to their games. Stay silent. It’s similar to dealing with law enforcement. Law enforcement agents, whether they are local, state or national beat majority of their cases by using informants and snitches. In many of these cases, once a suspect gets into the interrogation room, he ends up telling on himself and his comrades after engaging in conversation with police. Every ‘How to Deal With Police’ video will tell you not to talk to the law enforcement, including government agents who work with the FBI, DEA, and even IRS. This is because what you say can be used against you in a court of law. If law enforcement have enough evidence to prosecute you then they wouldn 't need a confession. The confession, however, makes things run a lot smoother. But if they can’t get a confession out of you, they will try to weasel one by asking simple questions and getting you to respond emotionally to them. Again, whatever you say can be used in a court of law. This is why silence is golden. One of the strongest right you have is to remain silent. Nobody knows what’s in your head or heart when you keep your mouth shut. If you lie to the police then that’s illegal and they can use it against you. If you confess then you just told on yourself and that can be used against you. But if you were to stay silent, then you have more power than you realize. You can use you silence to possibly get out the jam. The same goes for potential

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