Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Medical Marijuana Legalization Have you ever been prescribed marijuana by a doctor for medical purposes? Say you are suffering from headaches, back pain, or ever cancer. Doctors are now prescribing medical marijuana to help with these problems and sicknesses. If you are prescribed medical marijuana, decline that prescription.. If you want to live a long healthy life, do not smoke marijuana. Medical marijuana should not be legalized in the U.S. because it could have short and long term negative effects that will haunt you for your whole life. Although there are lots of negative side effects, there are a few positive effects that come with taking marijuana. For example, it is a pain reliever after a major surgery. Marijuana is also used for minor medical problems like neck, back, and spine pain. Some doctors even prescribe marijuana for things that do not involve physical pain, like depression. Marijuana is helpful for people with cancer. It helps cancer patients through vomiting and nausea when on chemotherapy. A lot of doctors in today's society are eager to prescribe medical marijuana for pain relief. However, marijuana is not the only solution. …show more content…

The negative side effects of taking medical marijuana are not worth the advantages. The only good time for using marijuana is when you are on chemotherapy and you are very nauseous and vomiting a lot. People who grow marijuana for medical purposes often misuse it, sell it illegally or even use it for themselves. For example, they have a permit so they can grow it, and they can sell it to anyone they want to make money. Even though it is not as bad as pain relieving drugs, like hydrocodone, it is still not worth using. There are other natural alternatives to take the pain away, like physical activity, which has been shown to ease

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