Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana has been widely used around the world and people still argue whether it should be legalized or not. The use of marijuana has been one of the most addicting drugs in order to get a decent high. Whether it is bad or not people think it is better than alcohol, yet people think it is a gate way to other drug use. Pot another name for marijuana goes back as far as 2727 B.C. it is the longest known record being able to know when humans have used pot. It has been used mostly as medicinal purposes to relieve the pain. Now people have other uses for smoking it what they also call hemp. Pot has been given countless names like reefer, grass, Mary Jane, hemp, etc. so it is quite famous since it has been used in ancient times. It been widely used in the eastern hemisphere so people like the Greeks, Romans have used them to. Then later it was introduced into the western hemisphere where distributing began. The use of pot sold over to other countries. When the U.S. deemed it as an abusive drug Columbia became one its great distributors for marijuana. Today people smoke marijuana in many different ways. The most common way is in a joint or blunt which is basically pot …show more content…

The short term memory or long term memory has been proven by people that if you smoke too much then you have no recollection of what that person did that day or week. The person experiences paranoia and/or hallucinations. There are studies that show that people IQ’s drop more than expected and it is more likely that students drop of school and never graduate or go to college. It affects teens more than it does adults it is why people at a younger age have more problems than people at an older age. The worst thing you can experience from smoking weed is when they are experiencing withdrawals they have loss of appetite, feel depressed, or become aggressive it just similar to smoking cigarettes in a

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