Pros And Cons Of Marijuana Legalization

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Part 1
People are always quick to judge the idea of marijuana legalization. Most of the reasons stem from various media sources that promote negative views of the plant. Commercials always try and show that marijuana makes people become lazy and unproductive, but these commercials are completely biased. Marijuana can play a key role in our society and it is a safe natural alternative to modern pharmaceuticals. Marijuana is also related to hemp which is a very versatile material that can be produced cheaply but is outlawed due to its relation with marijuana.
The number one reason marijuana is illegal today is because of economics. Pharmaceutical companies make billions of dollars every year by treating medical conditions that could be treated naturally. People today have medicine cabinets that are completely full with medication that treats problems from headaches to anxiety and depression. The problem with this is that some medications do not react well with one another. You can have fatal results with mixing medication which is why you are told to consult your doctor before use. Some products even state the possible side effects which seem so horrible that you wouldn't want to risk it. The problem is mostly due to how huge these pharmaceutical companies have become, they can't come to terms that marijuana could eliminate the need for a large amount of medication being used today.
Marijuana is commonly referred to as a drug, which associates it with substances such as ecstasy, cocaine, meth, etc. The fact is that Marijuana does not have a lethal effect on the body, where as drugs like cocain and meth can be lethal even on first use. Even drugs that aren't illegal are more dangerous than marijuana. Alcohol and cigar...

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... but by helping the economy aswell.
Marijuana isn't a crutch that artists rely on to create, it is a tool that they use to connect themselves with something otherwise unobtainable with out the herb. Successful comedian George Carlin has stated that after smoking marijuana his comedy became more personal which helped create a more political and successful. The problem is that people don't accept that marijuana could have the ability to assist one's creativity or their life in general. People take what they read in the bible or hear in church on faith even though they have not witnessed any of the miracles in person. Marijuana is something that is here and anyone can legally experiment with its possible benefits. As with other “drugs” there may be no effect at all, but that shouldn't determine that since it didn't benefit them that it won't benefit somebody else.

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