Persuasive Essay On Landfills

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The earth is in danger because of pollution and over usage of natural resources. Everyone has the ability to contribute to the conservation of the earth just by changing a small part of their everyday life. There is a lot wrong with the way the natural world is being treated by humans. Different arrangements can be made to the way we live that will improve the condition of the planet. There are ways to manage waste disposal, so that usable materials aren’t wasted and landfill space isn’t unnecessarily filled; such as reducing how much resources are used, recycling things that are able to be, and reusing materials that have the potential to meet other needs.
A very serious problem that needs to be brought to public attention, especially in America, is the landfills. A landfill is where everyone’s garbage ends up. They make the environment very unhealthy due to the excessive pollution that escapes from the boundaries and they take up a lot of space. Most people aren’t aware that landfills have a fill capacity, and a lot of those limits are being quickly closed in on. Landfills in Rhode Island and Massachusetts have an estimated twelve years left before their dumps are filled up (Landfills pg 10). According to the Save Our each organization, more than 50 percent of our nation’s landfills will be full within a decade. By that time, it will be too late to begin worrying about caring for the environment. The earlier that conservation efforts are put in motion, the better. On top of taking up lots of space, landfills are very unhealthy for the environment. Whenever rainwater runs through a dump, it mixes with all types of waste to create a disgusting garbage soup that is known as leachate. Leachate is very harmful, especially when it ...

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...s for the world to regenerate it. Ecological footprints can be reduced in a number of ways. Mainly by conservation and methods such as reducing, reusing, and recycling, as previously mentioned. If humans continue to exhaust the world’s resources the way that they currently are, it could eventually run out or get to the point where there isn’t enough to support global population.
Overall, the earth is not in the best shape that it could be, but it still has a chance. It is each and everyone’s responsibility to keep their home clean and healthy. Everything that is on and within the globe is part of it. By taking care of the natural world, we take care of ourselves and the home of future generations. Reducing waste and garbage that goes to landfills, using only what is needed, and recycling and reusing whatever can be reused and recycled is how the earth can be saved.

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