Persuasive Essay On Factory Farming

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When most people picture a farm, their minds usually entertain the idea of acres upon acres of green land with cows roaming the pastures, chickens making nests, and pigs galavanting in the yard, however the reality is much more sinister. The cows are no longer roaming fields but standing in their own manure, the chickens are being shoved into small metal crates, and the pigs will never see the light of day. Factory farming is an industrial process in which animals and the products they generate are mass produced. The animals arent seen as individual sentient beings w/unique physical and psychological needs but as eggs, milk, meat, and leather. Because factory farming is a business its goal is to maximize production and, consequently, profit. Since the animals are seen as mere commodities, they are bred, fed, confined, and drugged to lay more eggs, birth more offspring, and die with more meat on their bones. According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund, “There are currently no laws governing the conditions in which farmed animals are raised.” I believe the consequences of this agribusiness are environmental …show more content…

Many can argue that factory farming is a necessity in an ever growing world however; animals are not here for us, they are here with us and by employing federal laws to govern the way in which these animals are not only raised but the conditions in which they are kept, is a key component in respecting these animals and ultimately protecting not only the environment but ourselves. By educating those around you, informing your legislature about what we can do to enforce laws in factory farms and even to stop buying products from these large corporations can ultimately help this cause. As Ghandi once said, “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way in which its animals are

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