Persuasive Essay On Eye Bag Surgery

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Many people who have developed eye bags erroneously think that eye bag surgery is their only option. Medical doctors whom they visit are also partly responsible for this: they tell their patients clearly that the only way to get rid of those ugly bags is eye bag surgery. But is surgery the only option left for them? Is there any other alternative that people might resort to? Before answering this question, let me give you some idea about eye bag surgery.

Eye bag surgery is a process through which the excess or sagging skin is taken off from under the eyes. An incision is made under the eyelid. The skin is then lifted and the excess fat is slowly removed. Then the incision is closed.

The medical term of eye bag surgery is blepharoplasty. It takes about 2-3 hours to perform this surgery. The recovery time varies from patient to patient. The stitch is normally removed after 5 days and the swelling generally subsides within 10 days. The patient should look after his eyes with great care for at least a week and this is why bed rest is advised. But the patient should not put any strain on the eyes for at least another 3 weeks. …show more content…

But you have to remember that there are some harmful side effects of this kind of surgery, and if complications occur, you are in for big trouble.

1) Infection: Infections do not generally occur but they can attack the eyes at any time after the surgery. Medications will give you relief but infections can create problems.

2) Blood clot: Sometimes blood clot can take place around the eye ball or in the corner of the eyes. A second operation might become necessary to remove the clot.

3) Pain: When infections take place, the patients may experience a lot of pain.

4) Dry Eyes: After the surgery, patients might experience dryness in the eyes, which is generally treated with eye drops and

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