Persuasive Essay On Exotic Animals

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"In practice, an animal that roams hundreds of miles in the wild can find itself contained in a space no bigger than a living room." - YaleGlobal. Exotic animals are not like normal cats and dogs that we see in today’s society. They are wild animals and need to stay wild. Keeping these animals can endanger the owner and the lives of others. People that have unregulated jurisdictions who spend tens of thousands of dollars on exotic animals. People should not keep these animals because it's not secure for the animal's health and they cannot be tamed, and can endanger the lives of others.

In this article This Magazine, Mar.-Apr. 2013, p. 8. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, “In January 2010, Norman Buwalda’s pet tiger killed him in his London, Ont. home.” ( Favreau, Alyssa ). Tigers have adapted to humans in different ways then the domestic house cat, they are the real kings of the jungle …show more content…

Allot of animals can give you rabies but the household cat or dog has been treated with all the required shots for getting rid of any disease you might get from them. There are at least eight different diseases people could get from an Exotic animal. The back and forth trading of animals being shifted around and taken all over the world can and has spread diseases. People are taking animals that have been in the wild there whole lives and putting them in an artificial environment, and you wonder what is going through that animal's mind right then. When an animal is under pressure or backed into a corner and taking under there will I would expect resistance, and that can fall under the category danger. “by some estimates - trade in exotic pets has dangerous consequences for man and beast alike” (Louis Theroux). Danger and sickness don’t go well together.It’s like a venomous snake if a person tries to pick it up it may bite him/her, and they are most likely going to the

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