Persuasive Essay On Competitive Sports

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Competitive Sports. Many kids around the world play competitive sports. A lot of people love sports. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with it. But sometimes, there can be many things wrong with competitive sports. In this argument piece, You will learn about how competitive sports can be hard on many kids in many ways. My first example of this is the pressure. When you are playing competitive sports, and you have a big role, your team can sometimes be very hard on you. That can make kids nervous, which can lead to them focusing more on what he/she may do wrong, instead of how they can do good. Another example of this is being pressured to do both schoolwork and sports. Some kids can’t do both of those. The last example of pressure …show more content…

Sometimes, kids focus too much on sports and not enough on their schoolwork. Another reason is not with the kid, but with the couch. Sometimes, the couch keeps telling the kid to work harder, making it harder for the kid to work on schoolwork. One of the main reasons for people not wanting kids to do competitive sports is because of injuries. Injuries in sports happen very often. When something bad happens to a kid, like having a ball hit them in the head, can at first not look bad, but sometimes, these kinds of things can lead to injuries like concussions. At first it might look like a little hit, but in reality, it could be a fatal injury. In fact, 3.5 million kids under age 14 receive medical for sports injuries each year. (American Academy Of Pediatrics) Even though there are many things that are bad about competitive sports, there is a very big reason that it is good. When kids play sports, they enjoy a lot! Although sports can be very dangerous, kids like it. This is important to notice because one of the main reason kids would play sports in the first place is because they enjoy it. All in all, this suggests that even though there are dangerous parts of sports, the main function of it is to let kids have

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