Persuasive Essay On Choosing A Career

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Choosing a career is a big step. It’s important that you make sure to find the career that’s right for you. The first thing to do is to think about who you are. What are your interests? What type of personality do you have? What jobs might be a good fit for these characteristics? When you pick a few job matches, make sure to read about them. Decide if you think they will be a good match for you. When you think you have found the right one for you, you need to make a plan and set goals on how you are going to succeed in this career choice. Maybe a few years of college are necessary, maybe not. Then when you get to the step where you are ready to start looking for work, you will need to develop a cover letter and resume, and go on job interviews. All this will determine whether or not you get the job you are applying for. …show more content…

It’s always important to follow the dress code. The way you dress will make a good or bad impression on the people you work with. Your clothes should be neat, clean, and not torn. You don’t want to stand out from everyone else. You should always say “Please and Thank You”, and you should stand and shake hands with people when you meet them for the first time. You should also keep your desk and office clean, and clean up after yourself. Don’t gossip, and always treat your coworkers with respect. Be sure to ask before borrowing things, and always return them as soon as you are finished with them. Make sure to take care of your personal things on your own time, or during breaks. Also, when speaking on the phone or to others in the office, it is important not to get loud and yell. Make sure to give compliments to others when they do something good, and make sure if you mess up to take responsibility for what you did and try to fix it. Also, if you hurt another’s feelings, make sure to apologize. Most importantly, always be on

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