Persuasive Essay On Cats Research Paper

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I think that you should get a cat. Cats are nice animals and some people don't like cats. I like cats and dogs. People should stop dumping their cats in the middle of the road to get ran over.Some people love cats, be one of those people. I don't like it that people are throwing out and killing their cats. Stop disliking cats they can sense when they're not wanted. Adopt a cat they are awesome animals. 3.4 million cats die each year.
Stop hating and killing cats just because they don't like you. They don’t like it when you kick them. Cats want to be loved and not to be hated. They are living things too. They want to make a living. Literally make a living they just want to live.
3.4 million cats die each year. Imagine how many cats die in 10

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