Persuasive Essay On Cats Vs Dogs

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Dogs Versus Cats

The citizens of the United States love to own pets, and more than likely the companion chosen is a cat or a dog. Cats and dogs comprise the two most common household pets, with the estimation that 70-80 million dogs and 74-96 million cats are owned in the United States ("Pet Statistics"). However, despite the heated debates of devoted pet owners, there is never a clear answer on the best pet for oneself. Whether to get a dog or a cat is the most prominent question for a potential pet owner, but it takes a mixture of cost, care, and one's current residential situation to decide on the best for oneself.

In order to own a dog or a cat, it is vital that one is able to afford the differing costs associated with each. There …show more content…

However, in this category, maintenance is also included. While many people will give unrestrained attention to their pets, many don't. However, it is important that cats and dogs alike are played with, especially when younger in order to provide them with more experience with humans. The difference is that the amount of time one needs to spend with a cat differs largely from a dog. Cats tend to be less maintenance than dogs. They are independent and can be left alone for longer periods of time, as long as one is willing to take the risk of them scratching the furniture. Because of this, it is easier for those who have less time on their hands to own a cat. Cats also do not need to bathe regularly, as they can mostly clean themselves. Dogs, on the other hand, require a lot more attention and time. When owning a dog, it is important to go on walks on a regular basis. Dogs cannot be confined to houses for long without supervision; if they are, they may ruin the floors of a house with feces. They also require grooming, such as cutting their hair and taking baths. Otherwise, dogs are prone to barking and biting, which depending on the situation, can cause a lot of problems for the owner. These types of situations can be more problematic depending on where the pet owner

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