Persuasive Essay On 4 Day Weekend

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When Americans think of the weekend, it's a mini vacation where they would have at least 2 days off from there busy life. They try to do as many things possible to getaway and enjoy there down time. There have been speculations where Americans should adapt to a 4 day weekend. It's extremely unnecessary to have that much days off when that gets taken off on your vacation days. A 4 day weekend allows you to have more time for yourself, more family time, and allows you to get the thing you've been dying to do. Let's face it, it's amazing but it has its downfalls. Once your 4 day weekend end its back to reality and seems to get hard adjusting to work after those 4 days, the days that you'll be working will equal to more stress and our health can be put at risk. …show more content…

If you have a family it's constant work as well as your regular work hours. Sure, you'll be able to relax and and enjoy your days off but having this amount of free time will cause you to get use to it and eventually not want to work as much. Adjusting to only a few days of long hours of work will definitely get a kick out of you. When going back to work you are reminded that you will have to do more than 8 hours a day, which means you'll have to spend as much time working and focusing the work that has to be done before going back to that four day weekend. Not only it will be hard but it's definitely stressful. If you have kids, you will need to provide someone to pick them up, help them with homework, and put them To sleep on time. It's extremely hard. You're kids won't see you as much and it's a must to spend time with them. This can be physically and mentally draining to you and your

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