Persuasive Essay

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Making a decision for the future can be hard, but it can be even harder when people are torn between their passions and meeting other’s expectations. In today’s generation, most students are expected to have their career chosen by the time they are out of High School. They are trained to plan and map out their entire lives. Yet, college students still end up having an undecided major by the time they start their freshman year in college. A huge issue that is present in today’s society is that college students chose their major for the wrong reasons. Parents pressure students to pursue careers in business, medicine, politics, and law; however, unless practiced with passion, those careers are pointless. What good is a career if it is not …show more content…

She became fed up with technology and students who had unreasonable expectations. Students judged her on how fast she would respond and not on how well her curriculum was set up. Not only does her frustration affect her job, but her life, “what remains is the instructor, alone often in the dark of the night, facing reality…” (417). Online classes affected her overall atmosphere, “gone are the days when [she] looked forward to each new online encounter with students, when preparing and posting a basic assignment was a thrilling adventure…” (417). Needless to say, Laird lost passion in educating and assisting students online. She proves that without motive and excitement a career can become a chore rather than something enjoyable. Whether it may be someone losing passion or someone not having the passion at all, in the end it only harms the employee as opposed to the …show more content…

They want them to be successful and be financially stable. Parents want students to have security in the future, and they feel those careers will provide security; “the parents mean well; they are trying to steer their sons and daughters toward a secure future” (Zinsser 453). Still, parents do not realize that in order to actually be successful the person practicing law, medicine, business, or politics the student must be driven. These careers take a lot of effort, and they include many sacrifices. If they are not performed with passion the people preforming them will be miserable. Misery is the last thing any parent wants for their child. A parent does not want to see their child under pressure, they do not want their child to suffer or face any hardships. Consequently, steering students away from their passion will turn students into stressed out, and miserable

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