Persuasive Essay About Zoos

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Did you know that four zoos in Australia are non-profit? All the money they get goes to protecting animals and feeding them. Did you know one fourth of the animals in the National Zoo are endangered? Zoos are sanctuaries for animals. All zoos find endangered animals and help them, Some zoos are non-profit so the animals can live better lives. Zoos treat harmed animals, save species, and feed animals all so the animals live better.
All zoos have great attractions, however some of those attractions are endangered . Parts of Antarctica are melting and polar bears as well as countless other species are battling for their lives. Zoos are helping all those species to survive and live a non-stressful lives. Some zoos even give some of their money to wildlife research and rescue programs. In all, zoos save countless lives every time you visit. …show more content…

Some animals are brought into zoos because they can no longer survive in the wilderness. states that zoos bring in baby animals that have a small likelihood of surviving and they nourish those animals to old ages. Zoos bring in animals then treat them and release those animals into the wild. As you can see some zoos are just like large animal vet clinics. Zoos are needed for survival of animals large and small.
Similarly, zoos feed their animals so species that can’t get food can get it. According to Scientific American all the zoos in the S.S.P. (Species Survival Program) feed their animals regularly and correctly. Pamela Baker, a zoo spokeswoman, says that carnivores eat their young, because they are an easy target and those animals are in need of food after being pregnant. If zoos didn’t take in the young and old both would die off creating extinction. If animals can’t eat then young get eaten and the whole species dies

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