Personal Statement: Why I Need Based Scholarships

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I have other come a lot of adversity growing up. My sister feel mentally ill and was sent away for a few months. In the small community I was raised in meant that everyone knew everything. Other than the teachers and the hospital nurses, no one else knew why she was gone. A few teachers would oppressed me as only an eighth grader and would point me out whenever they could. Also, my sister's classmates would drive by the house and question us where she went and each time we said she was sick. It was rather hard when one of the nurses saw her in the hospital then the nurses daughter spread around why she disappeared. I stayed in that small school to watch my sister. I went through bullying and difficult struggles just so I could make sure that …show more content…

This scholarship will allow me to achieve my dreams and could help others too even if they think they're limited for financial reasons. Part of my dream is to be debt free for when I start anew by myself and this scholarship would allow me to do so along with the other scholarships. In 10 year I want to be living my life. I hope to be enjoying my job as a nurse in a hospital. I want to be involved with the community even if I live in a big city. As a nurse, I want to be one of the best that will even make a crying little kid have a great day. I plan on having my associates degree in general studies and a bachelors in nursing, but I'm hoping that I won't have to return to school after that. I do want to adopt an animal and maybe foster an one too just so I'm not only helping people, but animals …show more content…

Many people were sexist and rude saying how I couldn't reach a higher rank and/or how I'd always be a weak, little girl. I've been bullied from a young age and this is when I had my first taste of it. I felt strong until I became the laughing joke. I trained longer and harder just to prove them wrong. I started by waking up every morning at 5 am and went to sleep at 9 pm. Every day I became more confident in myself. When I finally did take my black belt test, I was nervous and my brain would just repeat the horrid phrases people spoke about me. I overcame my nerves after the first of many tests and started to focus on the task at hand. By the end of the testing, I was ecstatic for achieving this accomplishment. When I came back home, I brought my belt to school so I could prove those who doubted me wrong. By doing this, I started to believe in myself more and not let others block my path to

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