Personal Statement: Portrait Of Jeanne Duval

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Portrait of Jeanne Duval is one of many Edouard Manet’s paintings that were once disapproved and rejected. However, Manet has paved the way for modern artists. Importantly, Manet’s ability to live through many criticisms and failures are an inspiration for my career perspective. His failed attempts at navy school helped me acknowledge that I meant to have a career that is different from what I had planned for myself. However, I appreciate the knowledge that I have gained while obtaining my respiratory therapy degree because it has made me more receptive to creating different types of art subjects. I realized art is a form of communication and I valued the time I have to pursue and reach my academic and professional goals. One out of many goals that I have accomplished during my undergraduate was winning the Norman Art Council Award in an Annual Student Show at the University of Oklahoma. My awarded work focused on human conditions. Both events marked a special moment in my life because, at the age of thirty-two, I finally knew I had chosen the right path. I realized I have to push boundaries and step out of my comfort zone. Through much deliberation, I chose to leave my family and moved to Dallas in July of 2017 to pursue my aspirations. The solitude life resulted in a long-term, bigger-picture projects, …show more content…

One of the experiences was when I came across an old painting on a ten by thirty-six feet stage at Vien Giac Buddhist Temple in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. With my acquired skills in painting, I felt I could repaint the background of the stage. The work I had done was greatly appreciated and I felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. The gratitude led me to invest more time and be part of the non-profit organization at the temple. In the organization, I teach Vietnamese to the Youth Group and became one of four executive

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