Personal Reflection During The Performance

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3. You are to reflect on the performance based on the internal feedback you received during the routine. Things to consider when reflecting: • How did you perceive your state of mind and body during the performance? • What physiological responses did you receive during the performance? • What mental skills and techniques were you aware of during the performance? Thanks to using mental skills preparations I was very relaxed during the routine. I was in a peaceful surrounding so I could focus completely on my body. Before performing the yoga routine I breathed for a few minutes deeply and calmly to relax myself while looking at my plan with poses. I re-read the plan over and over (while breathing) to help me imagine myself in all those poses – to perform better. Personal relaxation and imagery were the keys to the success of my performance. My set goal was to complete the yoga without falling over because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to perform all the poses perfectly as it can do only professionals. I wasn’t negatively stressed before or while doing the routine. It was more of a positive feeling of doing something new and exciting. I had to balance the excitement with concentration – plus yoga is rather performed in silence or with calm music. Those are things that are not close to the …show more content…

I am not as flexible and sometimes I couldn’t perform the pose correctly (e.g. in “Standing Forward Fold Pose”). I think I should do more stretching few days before performing yoga routine to present more control over the movements. What was great during the routine was that I could feel my back being totally straight. In my opinion my yoga routine is great for people who have problems with sitting and standing straight all the time. The exercises show and teach how pleasant and comfortable it is to have a straight back and practicing the routine might help in having a correct

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