Kickboxing and Yoga

558 Words2 Pages

Kickboxing and Yoga
Society views yoga as an ancient, well known therapeutic, and docile sport. Kickboxing is an intimidating, aggressive, and physically strenuous sport. Despite that these athletic activities seem odd to be put side by side, you will gain a better perspective and perhaps even an interest along the way. Both hold multiple resemblances and have a relationship where they aim towards the same target: mental, emotional, and physical improvements.
The mental capacity for a human being is defined by the person’s decisions. Common problems that people endure and manage daily are anxiety, anger, depression, frustration, and stress. With yoga, the main goal is to be in tune with yourself, release the havoc of your day or help you begin it. The respiring exercises such as Ujjayi breathing is a special technique that relinquishes tension and helps you relax your mind. Kickboxing also helps release your anger issues, frustration and stress calamities. Punching, kicking, kneeing, elbowing and many more different techniques are used and practiced against dummies, bags, and peopl...

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