Personal Narrative: Wrigley Field

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As my father’s car bustled down the freeway, I was conflicted with emotions of fear and excitement. No twelve year old I knew had undergone what I was about to experience. Before I knew it, we had arrived. The automatic doors expanded as I neared them; my eyes instantly widened the same way I did when I took my first glance of Wrigley Field a couple months earlier. We finally reached our destination in a building that seemed like a maze: a particular office. The door opened and revealed a man looking down and smiling at me; “Ready to go Ishaan?, we have a lot to do!” This man was my uncle, Dr. Ojash Bhagwakar M.D., who declared and completed a major in biochemistry as an Illini 23 years ago. He took me on a round to see a dozen patients. Looking

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