Personal Narrative: The Roller Coaster

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The midnight blue car pulled into the parking lot of a theme park named Busch Gardens. I looked up and saw the clouds, a light grey. Lower I could watch the huge purple roller coaster and hear the screams of people going down. I walked in with my family and saw the gigantic clock in the middle of the section. We kept going as screams of fear and delight came from every angle. We stopped in front of the roller coaster Loch Ness Monster.
“Hey, wanna ride this roller coaster Kyla? It’s fun,” my dad said softly but his voice showed excitement. My father and two sisters planned to ride every roller coaster in Busch Gardens. I paused and thought for a minute, by this time I had a very high fear of roller coasters and had only gone on Elmo’s Roller coaster. After a minute of thinking I hesitated and said, “Yes.” My father, sisters, and I went to a very short line, my mother stayed behind not having the best experiences with …show more content…

My father, sisters, and I went to the top where the ride starts, and we sat in the front. The chairs slid in and I felt the sudden death feeling like every roller coaster. I’m still not used to that feeling. The seats and tension rose, getting higher and higher in emotion and height. I prayed, hoping for the ride to stop somehow. We reached the top and stopped right at the edge. Dropping straight down faster and faster, my frown turning to, “WHOOP YEAH!” While the Griffin slowed down, my heart pounded faster. The ride ended and the rest of my family went to my mom, “How was it?” My mother asked. I gasped for breath. I looked back at what happened today. About how I could’ve coward in fear of roller coasters, sitting, waiting on a bench for my family. Regretting my decision to stay, sitting instead of standing. Instead, today I stood and persisted through the eyes of my fear. Glancing back at reality, I shook myself from my thoughts. “Fun,” I finally responded. My eyes were full of stars for the rest of the

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