Persuasive Essay About Euthanasia

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It is safe to say that if given the choice, nobody would watch a loved one suffer. To repeatedly witness their pain on a day-to-day basis, some would consider it self-torture. But sadly some people do not have the luxury to choose, some people are forced to experience the tragedy of watching someone close to them slowly and painfully pass away. Waiting out an agonizing death should not be the only option a person, or a family, has when they are already faced with their imminent death. The other option should be euthanasia, the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering. It was the middle of the night when my mother got a phone call. The car ride was silent, my father had a blank stare and my mother was silently crying. I had no idea where we were headed but I knew this empty feeling in my stomach would not go away. Walking through the long bright hallways, passing through an endless amount of doors, we had finally arrived. As we …show more content…

The worst part about seeing him was not his pasty skin or his expressionless face; the worst part about seeing him was looking at the tubes going down his throat and the IV’s penetrating his frail paper-like skin. Even though we were told that he would never fully recover, he was eventually discharged from the hospital, but that only created more problems for everyone in the family. The actual act of taking care of my grandfather was not the issue; the troubles came from realizing his health would never rebound which would lead to eventually watching him deteriorate. He soon began growing bedsores as well as becoming malnourished due to the pain he received when consuming food, as each day passed his pain only grew. This began to wear on my family, from being used to seeing such a strong healthy man, to seeing something so cadaverous. Not only was my grandfather in pain, so were

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