Personal Narrative-The Light/Johnson-Good/Nixon Family

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The Light/Johnson-Good/Nixon Family My family has a lot of variation, going from Switzerland, Ireland, France, to America. Records varying to different time periods, some as far back to the 1300’s, and some only go as far as 1800’s. But besides that, I have learned that I come from many different parts of the world, and I am proud to be related to everyone in my family. On my mothers side of the family there are many records for the Good (paternal) side and not as many for the Nixon (maternal). The Good family has a long history, dating back to 1370 in Obfelden, Zürich, Switzerland. At the time Guttan was the last name, switching to Guth in 1612 when Diebold Guth was born in Uhrwiller, Bas-Rhin, France. It then finally changed to Good in 1755 when Johann Georg Guth / Gut moved to Pennsylvania and had his only child Phelix / Felix Guth / Good. who then passed down the name of Good to present day. …show more content…

He had 1 son who carried the name up to present day.
On my father's side of the family there are few records that could be found. The records of the Johnson (maternal) family are very lacking. The furthest we have been able to go back was to 1833 when Samuel L. Johnson was born, his son was Virgil J. Johnson who was born in 1900. He fathered my grandmother Edna Marie Johnson Light who bore my

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