Personal Narrative: The Girls Who Code Immersion Program

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My journey to adulthood can be compared to biting into a fresh apple. The core of the fruit is the peak of knowledge that I strived to obtain. Every bite of an apple came with a new learning experience. The Girls Who Code Immersion program were multiple bites into an apple that came close to satisfying my hunger for knowledge.
“My little princess is growing up” said my mother with a smile after she dropped me off to my next journey to New York City. Sauntering along the streets of the “Big Apple” and learning computer science at Girls Who Code was a dream come true. I never imagined my parents letting me go to New York City alone. Walking on the busy streets alongside thousands of people was worth gaining exposure to computer science.
As I opened the front door of the IBM Building, my next chapter in life began. My eyes widen as I observed my teacher writing code on the smartboard. Uneasiness and fear rushed down my spine. I was the only person among fourteen girls without prior knowledge of coding. I spent eight hours in a confined room learning how to code. My computer science teacher appointed assignments in HTML and Python. …show more content…

I was given a task to create a website within one week. I began my quest in searching online for text and image codes; however, I was unable to distinguish the red error in my code. Day after day, I sat in front of my laptop trying to decode this puzzle. My energy was draining slowly. But now was not the time to complain. Looking down at my laptop, it just hit me: the forgotten semicolon. This semicolon was the final piece that completed my line of code. As a result, this website allowed people to organize their tasks with jars. Jellybeans represented the assignments and were added to the jar every time the project was completed. Even though debugging my code took days, I remained confident in my ability to

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