Personal Narrative: The Events That Made Me Who I Am

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Although many events have changed me and made me who I am, this one particular event sticks out like a sore thumb. A couple of weeks ago I lost someone who meant a great deal to me. He was my great grandfather Lee Wilkinson. I know everyone at some point in their lives loses someone they care about, but when it happened to me I was in shock and didn’t quite know what to do. It was like someone taking a piece of you away, but the piece they took away from me was a big one. I was angry, sad, worried, and wondering how on Earth people get through something like this. But one of the most prominent emotions I felt was regret. I regretted that I didn’t listen to his stories closely enough that I didn’t talk to him enough. My advice to you is to take advantage of the time you have with someone, because you will not have it forever. My great grandfather had been sick before, but not like this. Before he had gotten so bad my sister and I had gone to visit them. I’ve always dreaded the car ride ever since I was a kid. I got motion sickness extremely bad. I could be in the car …show more content…

She would give us the best hugs in the world, which would be more enjoyable if she didn’t put on so much perfume. We stayed at their house for ten days. Most of the days my papa, which is what we call my great grandfather, was at a rehabilitation center, but one of the days we were there we got take him home. When we go to the rehab center the first thing he said was, “I really want Burger King!” It was our last day there and my mother had arrived to pick us up and take us home. We were saying our goodbyes and I went into papa’s room to say goodbye. He took my hand, looked me right in the eyes, and said, “Claudia I love you and don’t you every forget that.” I looked into his eyes and said, “Papa I love you too don’t you ever forget that.” I gave him a hug and we

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