Personal Narrative: Overcoming A Barrier

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Overcoming a Barrier
A barrier that I am currently facing is the barrier of procrastination, in which is where oneself is avoiding a task that needs to be accomplished or carrying out less urgent tasks instead of more urgent ones, thus putting off impending tasks to a later time. Sometimes, procrastination takes place until the "last minute" before a deadline. It is said that procrastination is because someone has the feelings of guilt, inadequacy, depression and self-doubt that makes them unable to complete a task. The reason I sometimes procrastinate is because sometimes I see the task as unimportant until the last minute or until the day of a deadline, or I get distracted by the items around me.
The strategies that can employ to help eliminate this barrier, is that instead of waiting till I get home to finish my homework that I can finished it at school, the minute I receive the …show more content…

I feel that the information you have received on the assignment is still fresh in your mind at school, so you would want to accomplish your homework more, because by the time you return home you no longer have the motivation to finish or start it. I need to set deadlines on my calendar or alarm early from the actual date, so that when I received the reminder my brain will think that it is due the next day and will stress out about it and will want to finish the task, when in fact the homework might not be due for another week and when I realize the actual due date it will give me time to go over my assignment for any corrections and it will train my brain to pace myself on assignments. Another way I could overcome procrastination is to not have any electronics, the reason is that

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