Personal Narrative On Becoming A Swimmer

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A near drowning accident at the age of 8 taught me to always keep the faith in challenging times. I can still remember the feeling of helplessness that overcame me as I watched my cousin drown. Being a nonswimmer myself, I watched as each gasp for breath became his last. Consequently, having witnessed that tragic event marked the beginning of my personal pursuit to become a swimmer. It would be the following summer that I too came face to face with drowning. Pushed in the water by a mischievouss camper, my small frame entered 10 feet of water. My decent was almost immediate. As I fought to reach the surface sensation of the cold water burned like fire and became unexplicably hot as it moved through my frontal lobe and filled my lungs. The rush of water created a fluid but dense cast all round me. In that moment I was fully aware that I was drowning. It is indeed one of the most helpless feelings I’ve ever …show more content…

What I did not expect is that it would present an even greater financial challenge. I did not foresee being out of work for a duration of time and then later having to work two jobs to off set tution costs. Demostravtive of my commitment to education I have paid out of pocket without any financial assistance to date. Paying out of pocket for this program has caused I great deal of stress. My experience here at Governor State has been nothing short of exceptional. I desire to complete the program seamlessly without any interuptions towards graduation. A tution wavier would afford me a promising opportunity in three ways: 1. I could focus wholly on school as opposed to a securing additional employemtn. 2. The etrxa hours spent at work could be used to spend more professional and productive time on campus and conducting research for the University 3. Stay on task for my projected graduation

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