My Near Death Experience

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The term death is often used lightly. It is frequently used in jokes and idle threats, and

rarely taken seriously. Few individuals really grasp the concept of death and how it can

distort the lives of the people it comes in contact with. I was among the clueless until I

was ten years old. I was running home from soccer practice, speeding towards the cursed

intersection, not but a quartermile from my house when it happened. Luckily I am here

today to reflect on that moment. My near death experience has tremendously changed

the way I live and perceive life, thus defining who I am.

It was a brisk fall evening, the orange sun was just setting when I foolishly

misjudged how fast a car was moving. It seemed as if I had enough time to run across the

street before the car passed, but apparently I was wrong. The car came screeching to a

halt as the driver slammed on his brakes. The car struck my torso and threw me onto the

damp grass, away from oncoming traffic. I apparently was briefly knocked

unconciousious, and distinctly remember the foul smell of rubber burning as I opened my

eyes to see the frantic worried look on the drivers face. At the time it seemed as if he was

more relieved than I was that I was able to walk away from the scene with just a pounding

headache and a few scratches. It seems as though the timely accident replays daily in my

head as I make everyday decisions about life

Most people say that what happened to me was not exactly a bru...

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