Near Death Experiences

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There are many phenomena present in today’s world concerning both life and death. An extraordinary incorporation of these prominent values is a Near Death Experience (NDE). Near Death Experiences empower and affect the psyche of many, changing their lives forever and altering their perception of death. Many questions arise from this particular topic simply because you have to experience it to fully understand its meaning. Questions such as, What is it, What happens, and how do they occur are familiar to experts in this field or to the people who have first hand experience.
Although the meaning of a Near Death Experience is different to the individual, it is described to be a personal encounter with death, later being brought back to life. The man responsible for triggering the later studies of this perplexing subject is Dr. Raymond Moody. During the year of 1975, he published a book, Life After Life, explaining his newfound concept of a Near Death Experience. He heard about a specific case study that extremely intrigued him. “As a student, Raymond Moody heard about the experience of a psychiatrist who had ‘died’ from double pneumonia only recovering after his doctor had pronounced him dead to his family.'; This remarkable case stunned Raymond Moody, and after publishing his book, this case intrigued society. This particular psychiatrist went on to write about his Near Death Experience, but Dr. Moody was the first to research this unknown topic.
Although Dr. Moody set a precedence in studying this subject, the event that triggered his studies was not the first Near Death Experience to be documented. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, also a psychiatrist, worked with survivors from the Nazi concentration camps. Because of her patients, she had become completely convinced that something unexpected happens close to death. Her book, Death and Dying, much more general than Dr. Moody’s work, contains the first real exploration of a NDE by a doctor.
Obviously, Near Death Experiences occur near an individual’s time of death. The cause of an individual’s time of death can come from virtually anything, but, usually results from some sort of accident. “Accidents come out of the blue. They can happen to anyone and there’s no time to prepare for them.'; Because accidents may occur at any time, so may a Near Death Experience. Thus meaning that, only knowledge of the subject matter can reduce fear and gain preparation.
Each individual may experience different emotions, visions, and encounters, but generally, the first few stages of Near Death Experiences are common throughout each case.

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