Personal Narrative: My Summer At The Minnesota Zoo

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Our blue Toyota Sienna cruised down the busy street on the way home from the Minnesota Zoo on a humid summer day. My sister and I both were exhausted from the drawn-out, but blissful time at the zoo. I was 10; my sister was 14. My dad was driving; my sister, I, and my sleeping grandma were in the backseat. I was watching the world go by. Passing trees filled my vision for as far as I could see. Propping my arm on the window, I leaned my head on top of my hand. My thoughts rushed back to seeing all the animals at the zoo; I especially liked the tigers and polar bears. Our car slowed down to a stop, the sudden movement jolting me out of my daydream. As we waited for the light to turn green, I saw my dad look into the rearview mirror

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