Personal Narrative: My Trip To Yosemite National Park

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November 1, 2016- It is the day I say. I am going on a trip in my car to the Yosemite National Park located in California. It was going to be 32 hours and 2,207 miles to get there but I knew it was going to be worth it. November 3, 2016- I finally came to the Yosemite National Park. When I saw that place man it blew my eyes, it was like a dream that was happening. For the most part, there were plenty of activities to do. The first activity I decided to do was hiking. The hiking trail was over 800 miles (1,300 km). I knew it would be a workout to walk that far around but I also knew I could discover other features of the park. As far as it went it was tiring but also fun. I got to see the three groves of giant sequoias which were the world’s biggest …show more content…

After that, I decided to go climbing. Halfway there when I climbed the enormous rock I saw a great view from up here. I saw rock formations, the Half Dome and El Capitan, I heard that it was the largest granite monolith in the U.S. Not only that I saw a tall waterfall, I decided to visit that tomorrow and learn more about it. November 4, 2016- After last night of what I saw in the park, I hardly couldn't sleep or wait. Today I couldn't wait on seeing the waterfall. Before I went back to the park I researched a little about it and it turns out it is 2,425-foot-high Yosemite Falls which makes it one of the tallest waterfalls. I went back to the park. From a distance, I saw the waterfall. Man, it was beautiful I thought to myself. After the waterfall, I went to ask some questions to a ranger about the park. Some questions I asked were when was the park established and why? He replied back and said Muir and Johnson lobbied Congress for the Act that created Yosemite National Park on October 1, 1890. The State of California, however, retained control of Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove. So mainly it was established on October 1, 1890. My

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