Personal Narrative: My Life As A College Athlete

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Rolling green hills swarming with white-thighed, polo-shirted adolescents. A crazed anime fanatic in need of therapy. A year and a half of tedium and resentment. In a meeting with my counselor before my freshman year, I was told that colleges wanted me to be smart and well rounded, and so I tried to be. Being smart was mostly nature, but my athleticism desperately needed nurturing. I joined the sport I thought would be the least torturous. I thought if I was truly terrible, my performance wouldn’t affect the team like in other sports. I reached varsity as a freshman. There were only three girls on the whole team. I tried to be the renaissance girl, the athletic academic. I was still the worst— even the least demanding sport around wasn’t for me. In three seasons, I never shot below 140; I was thankful for the handicap that allowed us to stop hitting once we reached 10 on a hole, and I used it often. …show more content…

Also placed in this ragtag troop of 10-hitters was Mary. Mary loved anime and talked casually and continually about suicide. As Mary’s joie de vivre deteriorated through the weeks, she grew more and more tempermental. She would yell and scream and kick her clubs if she shot badly. When she had a particularly rough day, she missed a putt and threw her club at my head. I didn’t get a concussion, just a bruised egg. Her aggression became a problem, and her coach was assigned to our group to keep her calm. Her aggression turned into incessant raving over her favorite anime, Attack on Titan. Spending 18 holes with her almost every weekend resulted in a metaphorical cyst of bitterness at my own susceptibility to well-meaning

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