Personal Narrative: My Journey To Basketball

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When I was seven years old, right after my family had moved from Moberly to Renick, I had grown attached to the sport of basketball. It was the only sport i took an interest in. At that time, basketball was all that was on my mind. I would always come home from school, find my younger brother, and my basketball, and we would practice our shots. Nothing could come between me and my addiction to this pastime. Or so i thought. After arriving at Renick, i realized we didn’t own a basketball goal. To fix this problem, we would always get on our bikes and ride up to the park. It was a little tiring, as we did this every day for the longest time. One day after returning from the park, my father had told me and my brother that he knew someone who was selling a basketball goal for extremely cheap. …show more content…

After a few days, i had given up on the goal. But about a week later, I came home to a basketball goal sitting right on our porch. Already put together and ready to use. My dad had even got us a new ball to use. For months on end my brother and i would shoot. After a while, my brother started getting tired of the same old thing. But i just couldn’t stop. I wanted to be the best I could be so that when i got into sixth grade, I’d be ready to participate in some real basketball games. After a few months it started getting colder, leading me to go inside sooner. Eventually, it got to the point to where i didn’t want to go outside because it was too cold for me to enjoy the game. This led to boredom, as my family did not own anything other kind of entertainment system besides an old PlayStation 2, but my older brother was constantly on it,

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