Personal Narrative: My First Test

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The September sunshine beams down over my shoulders. The calm and cool breeze blew all around. My junior year of High School is going to be like my first day, so I thought. I perused my schedule; Biotech, Marketing, Pre-Calc, Chemistry, Economics, Elements of Fiction. Nothing caught my eye to be necessarily hard, but I was horribly wrong. Chemistry. On the first test I thought it would be like tying my shoes. I read the first question and it confirmed my thought. My pencil moved elegantly across the page like an artist creating their masterpiece. I continued to work on the masterpiece with haste until finishing. I swafully turned in my test first, then preceded to return back to my seat. Then the test left my mind like a cloud and floated away. Little did I know this cloud will strike back. Days have gone by the test was just a distant memory. This was until the teacher said to my class, “Tests are in. We have some good scores and very bad scores.”
I scoffed to myself, “That test was so easy how on earth could someone fail.” My teacher proceeded to hand back our tests one by one. Everyone was tense about their score, but I was ocean calm. When handed mine, I …show more content…

The retake will be a tomorrow.” This is my chance to this tragedy. Once I got home, I went to the grind. I grabbed an energy drink, Monster Energy, I grabbed the chemistry textbook, and acquired my favorite mechanical pencil. These materials will help me complete my goal of an A on this test. The study session lasted hours, and it payed off. The next day I retook the test I failed so badly on. The redemption test went smoothly like the previous one, but instead of the complete wrong answers they were corrected. A couple days later, my teacher came back with the results. When he handed my test back, I had the biggest grin on my face. I had done it! I had gotten my

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