Personal Narrative: My First Lecture By Dr. Browning

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Todays first lecture was by Dr. Browning over his private practice. He decided to focus on how to get into medical school. He had a list of five essential things that everyone with a goal of medical school, or the medical field in general, needs to do. The first thing that students need to do is apply. He said that we will be applying our entire life and that we need to get started early in order to get into a good college. His second piece of advice was to get good grades in high school to be accepted into the college we want to go to. The third piece of advice was to read as much as possible. Reading not only increased vocabulary, but also increases knowledge in the area the book is covering. The fourth piece of advice was to get better study habits. He explained that most of us were used to studying either a day or the night before and that this would kill us. He said that in order to do well in college we need to study for tests up to an entire semester before the actual test. The last piece of essential …show more content…

I made it through the orientation, where we got T-shirts and lanyards. After orientations, we headed to the chemistry lab. At the chemistry lab, we did a lab in which we used chromatography to distinguish between different medications. We ground up the unidentified medication we had and put .01g of it into a 10ml beaker of ethanol. From here, we took a sample of it and placed it on chromatography paper along with the other control medicines. We placed the chromatography paper into a chromatography solution and closed it with a tin foil liquid. The solution traveled up the paper carrying with it the solution with the unidentified medication and the control medications. After the solution traveled all the way up the paper, we looked at it under a UV light, to show where the medication traveled up the strip. The unknown medication lighted up with the same pattern as Bayer, a medication with only

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