Personal Narrative: My Experience At MCC

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• How have you grown spiritually since you have been at MCC? o Though I struggle to put the amount of growth I’ve experienced into words, I have undoubtedly taken huge leaps in my faith upon being at MCC. My first semester here, I had wide eyes. I was frantically searching to grasp onto this vision I had of new friends, a degree, new ministries, discovering who I truly am, digging into deeper into a relationship with the Lord and ultimately embarking on what would become my future. I learned a few lessons the hard way, but I’m convinced we grow the most through the tougher times of life. I’ve grown to narrow my focus on Jesus, and to see my situation through a perspective of the one who is far greater and bigger than my situation. I no longer …show more content…

Similar to the church, Kenoyer Hall is simply a building without the community of people that dwells within it. I want to be an active part of creating community within the women of MCC, and one of the most effective ways of doing that is by living alongside them, sharing meals, and doing life with one another. And my job as an RA requires me to do exactly that. I want to be an RA to foster community, love on the women of Kenoyer, and encourage them towards stronger and authentic relationships with the Lord. And also I just love living in Kenoyer. It’s liking living in a neighborhood where all your best friends are your …show more content…

I feel it is important to be resourceful and respect the Earth we’ve been blessed with. I also think it would be nice to have coffee available in the lobbies a few mornings a week, or maybe Monday morning. I believe coffee is a unifier and would open up more opportunities for us to grow deeper communities in our suites and in Kenoyer over all.
• One thing your RA did that impacted you? o Despite having an insane homework load, being a dual degree student, and keeping up her position as student body present, my RA, Leigh Ann, still put our suite as one of her top priorities and never let her crazy busy schedule get in the way of being our RA. Leigh Ann likes to joke about how emotional she is and how often she cries, but it is no joke to me. It’s the very thing about her that has impacted me the most. When I cry, Leigh Ann cries with me. I’ve never met a more empathetic person in my life. She teaches me a lot.
• Describe you current worship/quiet time with God o Journaling has recently been a large portion of how I worship, and how I draw near to His presence. I write my prayers, my heartaches, my praises, sermon notes, and future lesson plans. Sometimes I just need to vent, and I take it straight to pen and paper. Writing slows down my thinking which helps me listen to Him rather than ramble on in jumbled

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