Personal Narrative: My Child's Trip To A Disney World

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Every child dreams of going to a Disney park to experience the magic of their dreams up close. When I was nine I was given this dream come true. My parents took my brother and I to Disney World all the way in Florida. As a child I was always very cautious and concerned with following the rules, especially when we were in somewhere nice or visiting somewhere. When we went to Disney World my parents expected nothing different, however I let my dreams pull me away from reality all a little often. Two times stand out distinctly in my mind. The first mistake I made was early on in the trip. It was a sunny day and because we went in April it wasn't too very hot. It was quite balmy. We had just walked through the green gates of Animal Kingdom. As my family and I were standing around getting ourselves situated and ready for the day I was leaning up …show more content…

In order to prepare for this mighty excursion my mother had bought us camel packs. Which are water bags that you put into a backpack and a tube leads out of the pack and you can sip from it as needed. And me, being a young child, would sip all day long. Straight water sippin'. All day. Which means, to the irritation of my father and brother, that I needed to use the restroom at any time possible. I believe I missed going on a few rides because of my ever-filled bladder. I have one clear memory of me standing next to my mother surrounded by people of every color, rides of every color, foods of every color -- just sipping away. Another clear sipping memory I have is, and oh the irony hurts, I was sitting on a bench under the warm sun. The kind of bench that pretends its made out of wood, but is actually made out of particles of recycled plastic. The white concrete behind my back and head. I sat there, on that bench, sipping away at my water-filled backpack, waiting for my mother, outside a restroom. From which I had just

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