Personal Narrative: My Brain

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Oh, my goodness, we caught eye contact and I remembered! I met her in one of those urban city schools. In fact, she was an arguer, but after I disciplined her with a gentle hand, her behavior positively changed. Once I saw her transformed attitude, we established a healthy relationship, and I discovered that she liked reading. Therefore, I gave her a book written by a distinguished African American author, Benjamin Carson. Not only is he an author of the book titled, You Have a Brain: A Teenage Guide to Think Bing, but he is also a phenomenal neurosurgeon.

After she received my book, we talked, and I learned that her family moved from the urban city life, and she started attending a new school (in the suburbs). We had no idea that we …show more content…

• A Thunderous Applause

I entered a physics classroom of 28 chatty students. Then I walked to the front and introduced myself. The icebreaker I used to pique my students’ interest rewarded me openly. Below is what I said that triggered a resounding applause: “Good morning, my name is Mrs. Walker, and I will be sitting in for your teacher today. I am not a new kid on the block. I have been coming here almost two years. I will respect you, and I expect you to respect me too. I am a graduate of the University of Maryland University College, and why am I telling you about my college degree? I am sharing my college degree with you because if I got a college degree, you can get a college degree too.” After I uttered my last sentence, a thundering applause reverberated across the entire classroom. Some of the students stood up and whistled. Their surprising standing ovation and profound reaction to what I said, I must admit, caught me totally off guard. I smiled as I halted and looked at the audience. Their applause was extremely loud, and I could hardly finish my last statement: “Do not allow anyone to tell you that you don’t need a college degree.” The shining beam in every students’ sparkling eyes read: “Oh Wow!” “If she could get her college degree, I can get my college degree too!” When class ended, a student happily said, “Thank

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