Personal Narrative: My Boy's Cabin

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First me,my Mom, and my brother Blake went to my grandmas house.Then we met up with my Grandma,ant Gretchen,cousin Kathy,cousin Trista, ant Dana,and my little cousin Haven and stayed there for a cupel hours and then spent the night.Next we started to drive to California in the morning at 10:45.We went to a lot of different places and it took us four days to get there and I got to miss the last week of second grade.After that we went to our cabin and unpacked our stuff and got set up.Then we went over to our friends cabin to see Dal and Damrese. Then we went back to our cabin.Next me and Blake went to our cousins camper and then came back.Next all of the kids went swimming for a cupel hours.After that the parents went to Dal's cabin and were

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