An Unexpected Golfing Adventure: A Family Memories

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One day I was mini golfing with my Uncle Bob, and my cousins Lucas and Chance at my Grandma and Pap’s RV camp. It was the first day I was there. My sister and I were dropped off. And that was the day that I was hit in the face by a golf club. My sister and I were just dropped off at my grandma and pap’s RV campground. My sister, my some cousins, and I were staying there. I got settled down on my bunk and my cousin, Chance, asked if I wanted to go Mini Golfing. I said sure. We then asked my cousin Lucas, and he said sure. So my Uncle Bob took us to go. We walked 10 minutes to the mini golf place. We had to rent golf clubs to play. So we did. The place was crowded, but we already payed for it so we waited. When we finally hot the first hole,

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