Personal Narrative: Mama Sequel

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Sometimes we learn the most valuable lessons in life from people who are older than us. That is exactly what I learned on October 3 of 2017. I had just got out of school when I saw a text message from my sister and a couple of other people. It was a group chat with my family, my sister, Brianna, said “Mama Raquel passed!” After more than half of year of trying, I didn’t expect to learn such a valuable lesson that day. My story begins months before on Sunday, February 26th, the day had started off as any other Sunday with my family, at 9:30 started to get ready to go to my grandma’s house, or who we call Mama Raquel, for breakfast. At 10:00 my Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, and I all got into the car and made our way to my her house. The car ride …show more content…

After a short walk, we were in front of the apartment’s gate, waiting for her to come down and unlock it. She had left it open for us, but the person right before us went in and locked it. My dad had originally called her, but she didn’t answer, so he decided to throw his keys at her window since it overlooked the sidewalk. Luckily, she noticed us before my dad broke her window. “Hola, Mama” (hello mom) I said to her as I got one of her big warm hugs. The rest of my family said their hellos, them we all went up the pebble stairs and into her small apartment. Right in front of the door was my 2 year old cousin, Rick. He was sitting on his mini, yellow chair with his breakfast on the mini table, in front of the TV. As soon as he saw us walk in, he ran to us giving us hugs. After saying hello, we went to the small kitchen and started eating breakfast. There was chorizo, fried beans, and egg with chili, on the table, and potatoes cooking on the stove, like there was every Sunday, with the occasional tamales. We sat down, and served ourselves food, I got chorizo, beans and a cup of orange juice. A few minutes in the potatoes were ready and Mama Raquel, served us some, starting with my brother, as

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