Personal Narrative: Lindale High School

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My realtor previously said, “Out of all the places you lived, Lindale will by far be the best and most favorite ever.” By the age of fourteen I had moved four times across the country. The United States consists of millions of towns with millions of inhabitants; however, when a foreigner invades the people are not consistently cordial. The first day of freshman year my mother advised me to smile and make friends. When I entered the foreign school, recognized by the name Lindale High School, I treated with uncertainty and minor fear. The vibes emitting from the chattering, eager students felt terribly different. I shrugged the uncomfortable feeling off hoping the nerves would vanish. However, as the day progressed I realized my gut feeling was legitimate. The way these people thought and spoke was as if they were superior to everybody. I appeared to me if a person did not live in Hideaway than you were subpar in their perception. If one did not participate in a certain sport or spoke a certain way, they meant nothing on the social ladder. I have been in a plethora of schools, and no other had acted this way. I continued to try for a couple of weeks as my mother urged me to do. …show more content…

She taught my health science class. At the beginning Ms. Emily appeared to be my polar opposite. She acted excited constantly, praised Jesus like crazy, and radiated positivity. Ms. Emily terrified me because she had the aspects of who I wanted to be but nothing I had. However, despite every defense mechanism I placed around myself she saw through them. Emily Weesner displayed love and acceptance to a person she barely even knew at the time. For the first time in well over a year little parts of my walls began falling off. Throughout the year with many lunchtime conversations she taught me that through God and myself thing would eventually improve. I just had to believe in

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