Personal Narrative: Life In Pre-Historic Texas

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Life in Pre-Historic Texas. My trip to the Witte Museum was amusing one, I got to learn the rich history and culture of Texas. I first gallery that I came across was the Dinosaur Gallery in the Naylor Family Part of the museum. There was a huge model displaying the different soil that was layered one after other, going back in history millions of years ago. There were other interactive dinosaur exhibit explaining how much a particular dinosaur weighed, what it ate etc. The next gallery I saw was the Texas Wild Gallery, displaying the wildlife in the forest of Texas with all the animals living. The most interesting gallery that I noticed was the People of the Pecos Gallery, about the life of prehistoric hunter-gathers of Texas. The floor of the gallery was uneven almost looked like a cave floor, to resemble the limestone canyons in the northern Chihuahuan desert of lower Pecos River region of the Texas and Coahuila Mexico were these hunters-gatherers lived which can be dated back to 9000 years ago. With the help of perishable artifacts found in around the caves of Pecos, the archaeologist have established the life of these people. They used projectile points, tools of chert and agave knifes, to cut the thorny leaves of lechuguilla and other …show more content…

They lived in rock shelter called as Habitation centers, were used like homes 4500 years ago. These centers had leave floors, beds which were near the back wall, the center of the cave was used as work place and disposed their trash outside the cave. Their diet consisted of leaves, flowers, fruits, fish, deer and other animals, the evidence for this can be found in ancient feces. Halo shelters are beautiful murals which tells us visual stories about their life, their belief in spiritual world of their ancestors and nature around then during the time they

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