Personal Narrative: Lessons Learned In High School

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Growing up life is full of lessons, and a lot of them come from times in school. School not only educates through knowledge, but it also educates through experience in a certain situation whether negative or positive. Lessons are learned through experience, and it eventually improves your everyday living in the long run when you grow older. During my time in school from head start to high school, I learned many lessons and have gathered ways to enhance my way of living as a youngling and young adult. Using my time wisely, taking advantage in opportunities, and being organized have all been big factors in school. Three lessons in school that turned into life lessons, have come a long way to help me today and for the future to come.

During my elementary years, I was a good kid and never got into any trouble. Well, I guess you can say I did get into some …show more content…

Going into the event, I was ranked #13 and thought to myself I wasn’t going to receive a medal because only top six got a medal. I put that aside and just focused on my race because I knew I was fast enough to win and be a state champ in that race. I ended up getting second place by .03 seconds, had I pushed harder I would’ve been a champ. I’m glad I took advantage in this opportunity to prove that I was the 2nd fastest in 5A. Taking advantage of an opportunity is key in life, because it is like a new door to new things that can benefit your life in various ways. Eventually you’ll find that door that is just right for you, and you’ll be able to close the door right behind you because it’s where you want to be and it is your comfort zone. I had the opportunity to go to college, and I’m trying my best to take advantage for a better future and career. I will always be thankful for the opportunities that occur in my life, because without them I wouldn’t be here right

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