Personal Narrative: How Soccer Changed My Life

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As I was growing up I always had a personal goal to play sports. My parents never had the extra money for it though. Despite the lack of money, it never stopped me from trying to pursue my goal. One year, when I was in the 7th grade the answer was finally yes! The joy I felt when I heard that three letter word was the same joy of opening presents on Christmas morning. The road to my goal was beginning to become visible. I have always had a passion for sports, soccer in particular. For awhile I actually thought if I was good enough I could play professionally. Just imagine being in front of thousands of people who are rooting for you, that was my dream. In gym whenever we would play soccer, I played the hardest I could. I pretended I was in a stadium, sweating beads of accomplishment as I scored goals. When I would play soccer it made me feel like I already had become a professional player. I always felt like I dominated. Looking back, I do not believe I had, but at the time I felt on top of the world. It was something I enjoyed greatly. Soccer made me happy. It made me complete. My road went from being visible to the graveling beginning. …show more content…

I had to keep my grades up, and beg my parents constantly. Providing reasons why soccer would be worth the extra money. I would be learning life skills such as dedication and perseverance as well as the skills of the game. The day came for my first practice. It was challenging for sure, but worth every second. From the very first practice to the very last one, I always had to be very persistent. I went to every practice and game because I was willing to miss an opportunity to get better. I made sure to be persistent in everything I was doing. I always tried my best, even when it was hard. I was never going to give up! The gravel road was being updated to

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